How to work etsy SEO Algorithom A7 on page to rank listings 1 and boost sales

Etsy A7 Algorithom optimization of search engines (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful process that can help improve the visibility of your store and item listings in search engine results for sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, as well as criteria for what appears in a search. There is no way to promise that your store will appear at the top of Google search results. However, there are a few best practices you can use to help improve search results your SEO store.

Have a great product

Offering something unique, interesting and desirable is the first step in attracting buyers. Before you think about whether or not to optimize your searches for SEO, take a look at the items in your store and think about what makes your item or store different from all the others, find out how to do it here.

10 Tips for Etsy SEO

Select keywords

A critical step in improving your shop's SEO is to find the best possible words to describe your shop and your items. Think like a shopper: What words would you search when looking for your products or shop? The exercise of selecting keywords is also helpful when you choose tags for your item listings, which help your items get found on Etsy search.

Get more tips about choosing keywords in the Seller Handbook:

Your Etsy shop title
Your store title is a piece of text that appears below your store name on your store home page. It can contain up to 55 characters. Your store title will also become the "page title" of your store page. This is the text that a person sees in the search engine that links to your store. You can change your store title by going to Store Manager and clicking on the pencil icon next to your store name in sales channels. We recommend that you briefly describe your store and the items you sell. Some sellers create a slogan or slogan. Also consider including your full name or business name in your store title if potential customers are likely to search you that way.

Your shop sections

How you name your shop sections can also help boost your shop's SEO. Each section has its own landing page with a page title based on the section name.
You can edit your shop sections by going to Shop Manager > Listings. Find Sections in the right toolbar and click Manage to edit them.
Like your shop title, Etsy uses your section names to create the page titles for each of your sections' landing pages. The page title is the text a person sees in the search engine that links to your shop. Search engines only show about 66 characters for a page title, and Etsy limits section names to 24 characters. Etsy will automatically include your shop name in the page title.
Briefly describe the kind of items in each specific section. Using "category style" names for your sections that include your keywords not only helps a shopper navigate within your shop, but also can help shoppers find you in search engines.
Your item listing pages

Two important SEO elements for your listing pages are your item title and description.

You can edit your item title and description for a specific listing by going to Shop Manager > Listings and clicking the gear on the right of a listing. Under the description, click Preview to see how it will look as a Google search result.

Below we'll explain why these elements are important and how you can make the best of them.

Item title

Your item title is used to create the page title for your listing page. Search engines only show about 66 characters for a page title, so Etsy has automatic rules to determine how much of your item title will be used in the page title.

Clearly describe your item at the beginning of the item title. Use keywords you think a shopper may search. Your title is also a factor in the search engine on Etsy, so a good title serves double-duty!

Item description

The first 160 characters of your item description is used to create the meta description for your listing page. The meta description is the text shown under your page title on a search engine results page.

Your description is important beyond the first 160 characters, too. Search engines look at a page's full content. Be sure to describe your item well, using your keywords and providing details about the item.

Briefly describe your item in the first sentence of your description. Use keywords that you think shoppers will search to find your items.

In-bound links

Search engines like to show results that are relevant and interesting, but gauging "interestingness" is a bit tricky for a computer. While we don't know exactly how search engine algorithms calculate what makes a page interesting, we know that the number and quality of in-bound links to a page is important.

In short: you want people to be writing about your shop and listings online, as well as linking to your Etsy pages. This helps search engines know that people are interested in your content.

Consider linking to your Etsy shop from your personal blog and networking with other sites to get them to feature your listings.

Be sure to check out the Seller Handbook to learn more about SEO

Questions about improving your SEO?


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AZINSEO is the Short form of Search Engine Optimization.